A reference table for the search bar encoding may be found at ? - ObsequiousNewt ( εἴρηκα| πεποίηκα) 15:51, 20 January 2016 (UTC) Reply ObsequiousNewt: If we create module:grc-headword, easily. 22:54, 19 January 2016 (UTC) Reply It has everything, you just have to use the search bar. John C5 18:00, 15 January 2016 (UTC) Reply Kanth you ! I don't know who is Nemzag, your page don't talk about accent, and the list is limited to some A terms. ObsequiousNewt ( εἴρηκα| πεποίηκα) 14:59, 15 January 2016 (UTC) Reply Are you referring to any word in particular, Nemzag, or generally? I would advise using this copy of the LSJ which provides accents very accurately. Nasalisation of vowels may have occurred, but it was never phonemic. Hi did you know if there is an nasal accent in Ancient Greek ? I need it pro my varg ? 14:39, 15 January 2016 (UTC) Reply I don't know what you mean by "nasal accent", but the accent represented by acute/circumflex was a pitch accent.

39 Reversion of Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/-ós.

34 Template:ine-decl-noun-n and collectives.29 Hebdomecontacometae and Tessarescaedecatitae.26 Appendix:Latin fourth declension and Appendix:Latin fifth declension.