There may be various reasons for low performance. My CPU and GPU are above the minimum specs but I still get very low framerates. Generally we can say that placing many towns close to each other requires more CPU power than fewer towns with less connections.

Laptops usually have CPUs that are rather optimized for low energy consumption than for higher speed. This may sooner or later exceed the power of your processor. Transport Fever 2 doesn't limit city sizes or number of towns that you can place in your map, but the game has to simulate every inhabitant and calculate its way from home to work and shopping venues. When increasing game speed to 2x or 4x, the gameplay doesn't speed up or vehicles start to jump. Try to lower your graphics settings or play in Full-HD instead of UHD.

Games like Transport Fever 2 show many more objects than usual shooter games, where you only see a close neighborhood. Your framerate is too low, even when the game is paused.