What happend to glenn beck
What happend to glenn beck

Eric Cantor (R-Vir.) told me that the House majority leader – who’s currently in Israel with a delegation of lawmakers – also won’t be able to make it the Beck rally.

what happend to glenn beck what happend to glenn beck

“Senator Lieberman supports this event and wishes he could be there in person to express his support for a secure and free Israel, for Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel, and for a rock-solid US-Israel relationship based on shared, eternal values and common current interests and enemies,” the spokesperson said. Lieberman – who originally announced his attendance during an appearance on Beck’s now-cancelled show – will have to lend his support in absentia, it seems.

what happend to glenn beck

And now he’s trying to repeat his success in Israel, and watching lawmakers bail on it.

What happend to glenn beck